Monday, March 6, 2023

Draft Song lyrics

Hipolita and El Pueblo (Bolivar´s Sparks) Spilled Champagne (Titanic Technology) Ocean Breeze (Voyages on Many Kinds of Darwin´s Beagles) Castaways Odysseys (Lived to Tell) Ice Cream Cone (Lindbergh to Paris, Ida Wells, and Ma Jones) Hipolita and El Pueblo (Bolivar´s Sparks) Simon Bolivar left the Spanish colonies to tour Europe in Spain and France, He´d lost his parents at a tender age and was raised by the African lady Hipolita´s Divine healing sound and attentive glance, Riding horses´ green engines and sailing to travel, Venzuel´s Simon Bolivar fell in love with Madrid´s Maria del Toro y Alaiza, Who didn´t survive the yellow fever in Caracas that left Simon sadder, but not yet wiser. Hard knocks, deep wounds, and tears turned Simon´s mind to runaway things, Humboldt asked, “Who can free them there?” as a good friend helped Simon see what a secure imagination possibly brings, By leading strong and thinking clear as an earthquake shook, Like the monk Manuel da Nóbrega mixing Native kids and orphans from Portugal in a little Great Banquet, Simon saw how to give Na ture and a New World an honest look, If the Buddha, Sganyadiyo, Gandhi, Fannie Lou, Einstein, John Muir, and FDR had been there Like Jesus the Son, Cabeza de Vaca, de las Casas, Theresa d´Avila, Antonio of Lisbon and Padua, Bezerra de Menezes, Chico Xavier, and Divine Love´s healing sound, they would have and did care, Chorus: There were hard knocks, deep wounds, and tears as an ear thquake shook, Opening Na ture up and taking an honest look, With Divine Love´s Great Banquet healing sound inside and all around Hipolita and el pueblo planted mustard and frijole seeds of all colors navy white, red, black, and brown, Building Incan grass bridges from town to town, For green engines, growing minds, bodies, souls, and birds and trees young and old, and Latin American dreams Where Bolivar´s sparks lit the ground (3x) verse 2 As Jefferson and friends and the melting pot Marblehead sailors in the American Revolution, Portugal´s AR Ferreira in Brazil´s Amazon forest, and lawyer-scientist José Bonifácio, and then visionary Native healer Sganyadiyo all started to cook, Germany´s Wilhelm Herschel had his eye in a telescope giving the British sky near James Watts´ steam engine and new planet Uranus a look, Hipolito Ruiz Lopez followed Benito Fejóo´s lighting and studied the flowers and trees near Atahualpa´s Incan grass bridges and Peru´s Macchu Pichu, Later, Beethoven saw Napoleon crown himself Emperor and ripped his Napoleonic symphony in two, Also disappointed by Bonaparte´s coronation, Bolivar and Rodriguez Robinson climbed the Alps into Italy, And paid tribute to the underdogs at the Sacred Mount, getting set free. Verse 3 Manuel Torres discovered a fossil giant sloth in San Martin´s Argentina said France´s Georges Cuvier, Darwin later read about that little sloth, but first Napoleon´s deep sweep of royal Europe led to the 1810 coup in Caracas along the way, Bolivar didn´t want any kings or slaves and became the Liberator in Mérida with betrayed old salt Miranda lost, With the power of appreciation, Africa´s Haitian Petition and adoring heroine lady Manuela gave Bolivar forces to fight at cost, And they lasted past Sucre´s leading victory, like Chile´s O´Higgins, in the mountains of Ecuador´s equatorial Andean light, The fruits of Bolivar´s hopes and may have been eaten up by caudillo bosses, but Hipolita and el pueblo planted mustard seeds and built Incan grass bridges for green engines and Latin American dreams as the sunrise and seeds go with the seasons, again and again, with lessons to be learned into the day and night, "Spilled Champagne (Hide, Seek, Find)" Technology can make you feel like a hi-tech superstar, but doesn´t really save us, Electricity in Jesus´ legacy you can choose because it lovingly runs right through us, Alive like an animal, Jesus never sent an email, Except electricity in symbols and a healing vine to minds like yours and mine inside now, below, beyond, around, and above, Buddha, Gandhi, Fannie Lou, and FDR, healed slaves like us like Jesus weeping God´s love, Buddha, Gandhi, Einstein, John Muir, healed souls like us like Jesus heaping on God´s love." “Ocean Breeze (Voyages on Many Kinds of Darwin´s Beagles)” Walking down a street in Chicago, Atlanta, or Madrid in Spain, Might be like imagining Darwin and Emma strolling in Rio de Janeiro, South Africa, or south of the desert in Chile in the sun or rain, Sailing on the open ocean on the two-masted Beagle from place to place, Darwin had read how a Frenchman´s and Spaniards´ eyes put 2 and 2 together to look a giant sloth in the fossil face, Chorus: We are living in the past, The future is coming up in a hurry so very fast, The present is where you can heal with the beyond, you can feel the biggest pond, you can feel the ocean breeze, In our faces, you can choose Divine love for you and me Shining out, and Shining all around Like Buddha the enlightened one, and Jesus the Son, Fannie Lou, Gandhi, and all Spiritual liaisons, Feel the ocean breeze As we´re sailing on the seven seas / living by the mountain creeks / listening to how the prairie dog speaks / watching the desert camel drink and fill its cheeks/the city lights transform antiques Charles Darwin and AR Wallace were wearing X-ray evolution glasses that they made thanks to giants on whose shoulders stood their feet, Capt. James Cook on the good ship Endeavor sailed to Venus and the Asian Pacfic to make ends meet, Hipolito Ruiz Lopez went to study the plants on the mountains and jungles around Macchu Picchu Peru, While Bougainville sailed with a doctor and a madamoiselle in disguise who turned the captain into a Brazilian flower he wouldn´t rue, (Chorus) Charlie Darwin didn´t see God in love like Leibniz, Faraday, or Chardin, but also hated to hear the churchpeople judge, But when Charlie got headaches then tried cold shower therapy Emma could see and feel Charlie´s healing budge, Charlie D like Rene Descartes wasn´t taking seriously Therese d´Avila in her castle of spiritual inner light, Nor George Fox´s own Quaker waiting Inner Christ cure like lady Julian´s healing visions of Divine Love in the Norwich night, (Chorus) Portugal´s Alexander Rodriguez Ferreira spent a decade in Brazil´s Amazon forest meeting natives after Crispus Attucks and the American Revolution, When Napoleon invaded Europe clearing snob cobwebs, biology guy Saint-Hilaire got Ferreira´s tropical monkey and fish collection, Germany´s Humboldt and France´s Bonpland were on a ship with typhoid, no Balmis but got to play with Orinoco electric eels, In the spirit of Mary Shelley´s feeling Frankenstein, thanks to the natives who recommended that horses show them how getting shocked feels Lyrics: Sailing, sailing, over the seven seas Will the real Swiss Family Robinson Crusoe stand up please? Before he met Sophia and Frances, Alex Selkirk was known by Dan Defoe as a castaway who lived to tell, Marooned, the Scot Selkirk lived and breathed alone in nature with a Bible, wild goats, hunting and gathering with God´s love through Elijah, the burning bush, Jesus, the Sun and Rain, and Marco Polo´s adventures walk the good talk freed, and he got well Chorus: And he lived to tell, he lived to tell, Dances with wolves, Tarzan, and Mogli´s Jungle Book with loving spirit can make you well, He/she lived to tell, he/they lived to tell, Divine love in nature through the burning bush, mustard seed, and the Sun and the Rain´s walk the good talk freed, speaks to me, like thirsty good friends with you seeking hand turning a waterwheel and drinking from a shamanic well, He/she lived to tell Like Marco Polo, the whale Moby Dick, medicine man Rolling Thunder, and a bat out of Hell Cabeza de Vaca was a Conquistador like Ponce de Leon, Instead of Florida´s Fountain of Youth, things like hurricanes did crash upon him, And with the African guy Estevanico, Native tribes also made them slaves, But after their daring escape, Cabeza de Vaca began healing sick Natives with prayer all the way to Mexico to great raves (chorus Dios´ love) Ibn Battuta was a Muslim who traveled like Marco Polo, Zheng He, and Rabbi Abe Beja far around the world, He set out from Morrocco and in Mecca he dreamed that he flew far on a giant bird, wings unfurled, He headed down Africa´s Mombasa coast, then went out to Chittagong in the Far East, Ibn Battuta met his friend Mansur al-Idrisi, wrote his book the Rihla, then went up to a Chinese hermit cave of a Taoist monk, a kind of Lao Tzu, nature, yin- yang tai chi priest (chorus- Divine love in Rumi) Bridge: Alex Selkirk was marooned because he complained about the leaky ship, and then his crew were shipwrecked, captured, and met a cruel fate, like the real life story of the whale Moby Dick when the real whale fought back against his hunters because he didn´t want to take it, the real whale sank the hunting sailship Essex and like the iron-clad Titanic iceberg crash much later on, many people didn´t make it, If we don´t forget that life is sacred, and we try to make a better world for now and the kids of all species in the future, then we won´t forsake it, Because there are many spiritual ways to find God´s Divine love for you and me to overcome misguided notions and to make a sacred better world, take what you do in this one to remake it..... Sacagawea with her baby strapped on, long before Joann Tall and Jim Thorpe Wa- tho-huk, canoed the rivers with Lewis and Clark, York the African guy, far from Olaudah Equiano and before Frederick Douglass, knew the way Sacagawea was a refugee, captive, co-captain, enlightening the dark, With the corps of soldiers, long before Black Elk and Rolling Thunder and a long way from medicine man Sganyadiyo, made their way through sold lands doing sacred smoke signal peace pipes with Native tribes, Their canoes tipped over in rapids and Sacagawea with her Papoose baby on her back, saved Lewis and Clark´s hides, (Ch- Wakan Tanka´s love) William Adams and his crew were sick and dying when they washed up in samurai Japan, On sailing ships, they were called pirates by a fork-tongued, cross-wearing man, The shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu said they hadn´t done any wrong, So, Adams wrote his wife thanking God through Jesus before becoming a naturalized samurai in the land of Shinto, Buddhist, and haiku song (Ch-kami-ame-tsuchi´s love) &&& Ice Cream Cone (Lindbergh to Paris and Mother Jones) World War I and the Great Flu finally ended, and Siggy Freud´s nephew helped invent a new kind of chisel of the mind So that after the war and women got the vote, some guys painted cigarettes as “Torches of Freedom” with their eyes glued to a dollar sign, The Roaring 20´s Jazz Age grew with things like Henry Fod´s Model T after a farm and operating machines, Six had paid with their lives, but things were cooking when Charles Lindbergh flew the Spirit of St. Louis to Paris with crowds where Lucky Lindy´s landing was clean Ch: Fame and fortune are waiting, you may be next in line to be King or Queen, Have you closed your eyes to open your mind and soul to feel and learn what history has seen? Six tried to fly across the ocean wide, Before Lindbergh flew across the ocean blue to the other side Buddha likes when Jesus the Son taught, build you house on rock, but it takes spiritual striving, Mother Jones said, “Give thanks for the dead, pray, and fight like hell for the living,” Mother Jones spoke for the folks working their fingers to the bones, She met with the owner Rockefeller who made some things better, Still no Knights´ co-op shop, but then came the thrills and chills of the Roaring 20´s Jazz Age, Time for an ice cream cone, For Mother Jones Chunky chips of the Divine Love of Buddha and Jesus blessing those who work their fingers to the bones, Time.... Licking like crazy the Divine Love of Buddha and Jesus blessing those who work and face the unknown, Time.... DB was an immigrant guy who worked with his hands like artisan mechanics and woodworkers, after the profiteering headrush America of Morgan, Coolidge, and Hoover Woody Guthrie and John Steinbeck were like Sam Gompers, Debs, WEB Dubois, and Mother Jones, workingpeople´s shakers and movers, Because too many people were still being stepped on like Jacob Riis´ other half in the smokey fog of greed, And too little was being done for what Gandhi, Gladden, Jane Addams, and AP Randolph saw for God´s love through Jesus as people´s needs Ch v3 The Roaring 20´s Jazz Age grew with cars, movies, jazz, and electrical appliances, Jane Addams went from helping the needy in Chicago to stirring against war, getting the international Peace Prize for all her alliances, Sinclair Lewis was Menken´s red-haired tornado from Main Street and Babbit to Elmer Gantry, JP Morgan and company were playing with money só much that markets crashed, dust stormed, and Hoovervilles elected the little guy´s guardian angel for the Social Gospel Jesus, FDR, to lead the country. (Second version: “Ice Cream Cone (Lindbergh to Paris, Ida, and Mother Jones); for working folks” World War I and the Great Flu finally ended, when Siggy Freud´s nephew invented a new way to chisel the mind, Women got the vote and some guys painted cigarettes as "Torches of Freedom" with their eyes glued to a dollar sign, The Roaring 20s Jazz Age grew with things like Henry Ford´s Model T after he worked on a farm and operated machines, The Titanic had gone down, then Brits A and Brown flew West to the US, but six had paid with their lives when Charles Lindbergh flew the Spirit of St. Louis New York to Paris where crowds saw that Lucky Lindy´s landing was clean Bridge- Lady Amy Johnson flew propeller planes like Amelia Earhart, London passed India to Australia and South Africa, like the right sisters for the Wright Bros., Pinto Martins flew from New York to Rio de Janeiro, While CW Chapelle came before the Tuskegee Airmen who became the new aces on a new Red Baron´s tail, steering ever clearer Chorus: Fame and fortune are waiting, you may be next in line to be King or Queen, Have you closed your eyes to open your mind, heart, and soul to feel, live, and learn what History has seen? The Titanic went down and six tried to fly East across the ocean wide, Then Lindbergh also flew across the ocean blue to the other side, Buddha likes when Jesus the Son taught, "Build your house on rock," but to learn from History come alive it takes spiritual striving, What if Mother Jones had said, "Give thanks for the dead, shed a tear, pray, and fight like Hell for the living,"? Ida Wells and Mother Jones spoke for the folks working their fingers to the bone, She met with the mine-owner Rockefeller who made some things better, Well, that was no one-stop Knights co-op shop heaven, but then came the thrills and chills of the Roaring ´20´s Jazz Age, Time for an ice cream cone, for Ida Wells and Mother Jones Choose your favorite flavor of the Divine Love of shamans, the Buddha, Jesus blessing those who work their fingers to the bone, Time.... Licking like it´s so good, scoops of the Divine Love of shamans, the Buddha, and Jesus, blessing those who spread the wealth of love like Gandhi and mom and pop, hand-in-hand working wo-man co-op shops, so that those who speak truth to power don´t do it alone or get stones thrown, Time.... DB was an immigrant guy who worked with his hands like artisan mechanics, seamstresses, and woodworkers who were having a tough time after the profiteering headrush America of Morgan, Coolidge, and Hoover, Woody Guthrie, Upton, and John Steinbeck were like Sam Gompers, Debs, Fred Douglass´ kids WEB Dubois and Ida Wells, and Mother Jones, the working people´s shakers and movers, Too many people were still being stepped on as the Ludlow strike met how Jakob Riis´ Other Half lives in the smokey fog blown by intoxication and greed, Too little was being done for what the shirtwaist coat fire, Philly-Long Island March of the Mill children, Gandhi, Gladden, Rauschenbusch, and Harriet Tubman´s son AP Randolph saw as God´s love through Jesus and Elijah for people´s needs, Bridge: The Big Bang Theory of First Cause friendly Lemaitre as Hubble spied and they both extrapolated around speeding telescopic galaxies and red shifts, while Warbasse´s US Rochdale co-ops were organized, Picasso and Diego Rivera painted and revolutionized, Mr. and Mrs. Wooley excavated Mesopotamia as the Biblical Flood was empiricized, and Whitehead process philosophized turning metaphysical rocks interrelated as if Eliade´s sacred kind and liquefied, all after Azusa St´s Seymour had healed and revived, which all would make fine trends for blue shifts up and coming in the rear-view mirror Ch. Verse 3: The Roaring 20´s Jazz Age did the Charleston with vaudeville, cars, movies, Armstrong-Beiderbecke, and electrical appliances, Jane Addams helped the needy in Chicago like Ida Wells and Ma Jones before standing against war and getting the International Peace Prize for all her alliances, Darker brother Langston Hughes was up and coming like Paul Robeson as Sinclair Lewis, not unlike F. Scott Fitzgerald´s Gatsby, was Mencken´s red-haired tornado with Babbit, Main Street, and Elmer Gantry, As JP Morgan and company played with money so much they didn´t see it comign as markets crashed, dust stormed, and Hoovervilles elected the little guy´s Social Gospel guardian angel for Jesus, a bit like Moses, and a lot like the Progressive Era, FDR, to lead the country Bridge 3: Nature-loving John Muir was in the background when Charlie Chaplin little-tramped City Lights to Modern Times, and Mary Collson almost exemplified William James´ Religious Experiences diversified, and they both humanized Ms. Eddy´s Divine healing truth, and this guy Bertanaffly connected the dots from the forest to the trees, As Einstein rode a beam of light around the world, he pointed to science´s danger signs, spurring Eddington´s scientific meetings near West Africans around Essie G Robeson as her African study anthropologized, and Schweitzer´s Medecin Sans Frontier-type facility for the in and out hospitalized in Gabón, and with South and North Americans Duke Ellington cottonclubbed "Creole Love Call" and crystal-balled "Black, Brown, and Beige," as Freud, Jung, Sumner, and Bill W lit matches in a cage, listening to people feeling loved and even a Higher Power healing pain, Sun Yat Sen went from China to the West to learn a new way, while Bonney and Barrows mid-West parliament parted waters for the world´s religions, was it "prophes-eyed"? Krishnamurti and theosophy cut loose to float his world teach boat, as Gandhi led crowds spinning his satyagraha homespun people´s toga coat, and the one-hand clapping Zen Nyogen satoried while aikido Morihei omoto-kyoed the whole, the hole, in (God´s love through) Jesus´, Ida Wells´, and Mother Jones´ loving spiritual direction. Chorus